Once Upon A Time

I know that our Beginnings month was a while back -- and probably you got enough of it then -- but I was just listening to Writing Excuses (http://www.writingexcuses.com/) with Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, and Howard Johnson talking about beginnings, and it set me off. So, if you're having a bit of Writer's Block, or you're just in the mood for some Free Writing, take off from any or all of these beginnings (remember that you can change gender, POV, and names)

  • It all started with me in my coffin.
  • It would have been the perfect day had it not been for the lions.
  • "What do you think you're doing?"
  • The police never seem to think it's as funny as you do.
  • Even as a little girl, I'd thought the swamp was a magical place....
  • I've heard it said that girl's can't keep secrets.
  • The house stood on a slight rise just on the edge of the village.
  • I'd never seen Death look so nervous.
  • It is a sad and shocking fact of my young life that my parents named me Mary Elizabeth Cep by mistake.
  • Wind howled through the night, carrying a scent that would change the world.
  • It was bright and sunny the day I died.

I think Brandon Sanderson brought up a good point during the 'cast, that the first line is very important, but the first line doesn't have to be the first line you WROTE in the book. Don't stress about it when you start writing. Sometimes it will just come to you.

By the way, the 'cast I'm talking about is March 2, 2008 on http://www.writingexcuses.com/. Enjoy Writing Excuses -- they're only 15 mintes long ("Because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.")

Why are you reading this? Write! Write!! Schnell, schnell!! (Random break into German just for Bai ^_^)



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The Society of Literacy and Bananas! Association is a teen writing group, focused on inspiring one another, having a good time, and eating lots of delicious snacks. This site is a place for inspiration, ideas, contest info, and basically a place for SOLAB!A members to hang out (though anyone else is welcome as well).